Saturday 29 May 2010

Fluttering Insects.

Although it has been sunny, (that is up until today) the constant strong breezes have not made it easy to find 'flutters' or 'damsels' resting but here are a few varieties I have seen during my walks at Bookham and Thursley Commons.
Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas).
Interesting to notice the deeper colour (see below) when the sun is shining.
Brown Argus (Aricia agestis).
(Thanks Roy for helping with the ID - Easily confused with a female Common Blue, especially when flying.)
Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens).
Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum).
Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula).
I watched this pair attempting to complete the 'wheel' or 'heart' but they flew off still joined presumably to find a more suitable resting location.
Four Spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata).
Many males were seen, constantly patrolling their territories chasing off other males. Certainly not easy to focus on but this was my best so far!
It was rare to find one perched plus sunlight reflecting on the water so this was the best I could do but it clearly shows the middle wing spots that differentiate the Four Spotted from other Chasers and Skimmers.

As I don't own a macro lens all these shots were taken using the 70-300 IS zoom. Hopefully when the sunshine returns I'll be able to locate a few more species.  FAB.


  1. Super collection here. All lovely pictures.

  2. Wow, we have the Four Spotted Chaser over here too! We call it a Four Spotted Skimmer, but the taxonomic name is the same. Love the Small Copper. It does look like our American Copper Lucaena phlaeas.

  3. Great set of close up images Frank and dont worry about a Macro lens for this type of shot, most of mine are done with the 400mm as I can keep my distance and not scare them off. I only use the Macro for very small stuff. As a cheap alternative check out a 12mm extension tube to see if its compatible with your lenses I use one also and its allows you to focus down much closer.


    Hi Frank sorry about the second post, but have a look at these reviews, you can also check out canon close up lenses by scrolling through the page arrows at the bottom
    Cheers Monty

  5. Nice photo's today Frank. I use the same lens as you for my butterfly shots.

  6. Terrific series of photos! Enjoy seeing what you see.

  7. Lovely subjects and some excellent shots there Frank. Must get to Thursley now the dragons etc are about.

    I love this time of the year for the insect et al life!

  8. Deeeeelightful! I was happily visited by two red admirals chasing each other around while I was out working in the yard yesterday. No, no pictures. But a first for me!

  9. Hi Frank,great shots. I know how frustrating those chasers can be!!! I love Small Coppers, one of my favs. I too often use my 70-300 for butterflies and dragons. Tho I do own a macro lens too.

  10. Emma. Thanks.

    Steve B. The 'Copper' is one and the same species.

    Monty. Thasnks for the link and the advice...something worth trying.

    Warren. Cheers. I'll keep trying with this set up.

    Mona. Always happy to share.

    Tricia. Yes, the insects certainly add an interesting dimension to wildlife watching and Thursley is worth a few visits.

    ksdoolittle. Always a delight to watch Karen even if you don't get any pics.

    Jenny. On a less windy day I may have more luck with the Chasers.

    Angie. Thanks very much.


I hope you enjoyed your visit and I always appreciate your comments and feedback.


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