Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Spring Colour on Battlestone Hill

On my walk through the car park this morning there were small mixed flocks of Goldfinches and Siskins flying around and two Great-spotted Woodpeckers were hammering away on Battlestone Hill and answering each others 'territorial drumming'.
Just time today for a 15 minute walk at lunchtime onto Battlestone Hill to look at the new spring blooms providing a riot of colour in this favourite part of my 2nd garden at RHS Wisley, which include just a few of the myriad varieties of Rhododendrons, an Erythronium tuolumnense, Corylopsis spicata and a clump of Trillium sessile (also known as Wood Lily, Toad-shade or Wake robin).

Whilst capturing these images I was seranaded with the sounds from Chaffinches, Greenfinch, Robin, Treecreeper, Blue & Great Tits, Wrens and a BLACKCAP, so I'll be re-visiting regularly to see if he takes up residence in the same location as previous years.


  1. ...we're not quite as springy as you, but we're on our way. I can't wait until we have flowers all around...nice photos.

  2. Beautiful flower photos Frank. I've never seen or heard a Treecreeper, it is definitely on my wish list. I took several photos of a male Blackcap in the garden today but as it was about 100ft away sadly none of them were much good.

  3. I just love your flower photos!! And I hope you have some birdies taking up permanent residence this summer!

  4. Lovely colour and pics Frank.

    Glad the Treecreeper is still around there, and I await with interest news of the Blackcap - whereabouts was he previously?

  5. You're right, it was an excellent day today!
    Just got back from todays walk (thur) and its bl**dy freezing!!

  6. Kelly, I'm sure it won't be long coming.

    Jan, TC just needs patience in right location. Sorry to hear about the Blackcap pics - I saw 5 Bullfinch on the way to work BUT didn't have a camera with me..tut!

    Shelly, I'm sure there will be a few & if I'm very, very lucky I might get a pic or two.

    Tricia, Blackcap usually takes up residence in one of the large Camelias close to the feeder.

    Thanks Jayne, I'm looking forward to capturing some Roses for you later in the year.

    Warren, someone asked me why I was wearing 4 layers today!

  7. Hi Leedra, thanks for dropping by again.


I hope you enjoyed your visit and I always appreciate your comments and feedback.


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