Monday, 7 September 2009

Time for change.

The new header marks a forthcoming change in my life journey.

This Black-tailed Godwit was ringed as a juvenile last September at Farlington Marshes and I captured this and a few other images as it fed on the grazing marsh in January 2009. Hopefully this individual will have survived and has or will return in adult plumage.

Some of my readers will be aware that my job was at risk and having reviewed my options and with the agreement and support of my better half I have decided to take Voluntary Redundancy and will cease employment at the end of November.

So another chapter begins and I hear you ask "What will you do?".

Well nothing is written in stone but initially I will take a few months off; recharge my batteries; maybe catch up on that list of jobs that seems to get ever longer and hopefully take a few more "Early Birder" strolls to watch our winter wildlife and try to capture some decent images to share with you. After that, who knows, other opportunities may arise, a new chapter but definitely 'time for change'. FAB


  1. Enjoy your time off and I wish you the best of luck in finding something you will enjoy doing.

  2. Frank, I think taking the winter off would be a good idea. Partaking in your hobby for a few months will give you a different perspective on life. This will probably change your ideas about work and living altogether so don't be surprised at what conclusions you draw from it.
    Best wishes. Roy

  3. Frank, feet up time methinks! Life has a way of making certain decisions for us, so a winter of ruminating will do very well... I'm envious.

  4. Frank, I hope your time off will lead you down a wonderful road. Wishing you all the best, and hoping you enjoy lots of Early Birder strolls!

  5. I'm sure it has been a difficult time for you recently Frank but now you can look forward to enjoying some leisure and taking time to decide what, if anything, you want to do. Who knows what the future could be very exciting whichever way you go!

    Very good luck Frank :)

  6. Not an easy decision to have to make; but well done you for being so positive. Looking forward to winter birding.... :D It's obviously what life has decreed.....

  7. Well done mate! You get out enjoy life, it's too short to keep on wasting at work!

  8. Frank, I wish you all the best mate.
    Enjoy the break, and some time to yourself. Doors have a habit of opening, when some close.

    Cracking header too.

  9. sounds like an exciting time to me. Having time open to plan you next adventure in life is exciting. Maybe you can write a book on your Early Birder exploits! Wishing you the best. Enjoy your time off in November and through the winter. (Lovely photo...)

  10. Good luck in your new direction - whichever way it takes you! Lovely photo of the Black-tailed Godwit. We see them down here occasionally but I don't have photos of any yet.

  11. Hi Frank,
    I hope you will enjoy this free time and wish you the best for the coming months! Eventually you will manage to do something you like and something interesting. Meanwhile, your header is a fantastic shot ;-)

  12. Enjoy your new direction Frank! I'll look forward to some FABulous winter postings! (-:

  13. Life is like that isn't it Frank..your quietly walking along and bam there is a fork in the road. You can choose to walk the way your walking...or look down that other path you might enjoy what you find...I wish you happiness in your new decision Frank. :)

  14. Good luck with your life change. I hope you can recharge your batteries and enjoy some relaxing time with Anita.

  15. Best of luck Frank. It will be a change of pace which you soon will get used to.

    I have never seen so many starlings together as in the picture blow. WOW!! Love that little Kingfisher too. We have a similar one here.

  16. Franck, for sure life has in store something wonderful for you...
    It can't be an other way.

    Just keep your eyes open, you camera ready... and I send you all the good waves I can ;-)


  17. My Mother always said, Life is what happens inbetween your plans..this sounds like a nice break from the worry and the stress that all jobs bring. I think you will find you will love your time off, you will definitely recharge those batteries, Mother Nature will help you do that.. and we as your blogger visitors will reap the rewards of all those neat strolls you will take so early in the morn. Welcome aboard. Retirement, in any fashion, can only be a plus!!
    ...and that honey dooo list will finally get shorter..maybe!!

  18. Hi 'Early Birders'.

    Wilma, Roy, Steve G, Heather, Jan, Tricia, Warren, Keith, Kelly, mick, Chris, Jenny, Crista, Lynne, Joan, Val & Tina.

    I am a little overwhelmed by all your very supportive words and would just like to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you for taking the time to leave your comments.
    When you get older you rarely wish that time will pass any quicker but having made the decision I now can't wait for the next 12 weeks to fly by. Cheers FAB.

  19. Enjoy your time off, Frank! And hopefully, you'll get to this comment: In answer to your question about what setting I use for my flight photos: most of the time, I just have my camera set on the "Action" setting for those kinds of shots. I won't make mistakes with ISO or shutter speed that way, and it works well for me. Thank you for your kind and encouraging comments.

  20. Frank, all the best for the new chapter - having been through a forced redundancy process and four months later landing my dream job (yes I started a new job four weeks ago) things do have a tendency to work out for the best! Looking forward to your future posts.


  21. Mona. I'll do my best. Thanks for the flight shooting info.

  22. Matt. I'm pleased to hear youv'e landed on your feet. Thanks for keeping a eye on me. Maybe with more time available the images will improve. Cheers. FAB

  23. Enjoy the time off, I was made redundant last october and had 5 months off, lots of birding, now in employment again. Regards Phil

  24. Hi Frank. All the best for the future. I hope everything turns out as you would wish it. Look forward to more great posts - love the new header pic!!

  25. Phil. I'll do my best. Cheers.

    TonyC. Thanks. Life is a little 'topsy-turvy' at the moment but should steady down very soon & provide time to for me to enjoy a bit of freedom.

  26. Good luck with your new Chapter in Life..I am sure it will bring many wonderful things!
    I look forward to some great photos!!!
    Love your header!


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